Welcome to the final days of Rock-Finlandia exhibition!
We are closing the exhibition with a panel discussion on portrait photography on Saturday the 7th of May at 3PM. Join us and Jouko Lehtola’s teacher and friend Stefan Bremer and business partner Pentti Hokkanen for an interesting discussion on what makes a great portrait photographer.
Saturday 7.5. 3-5PM. Welcome!
*** Jouko Lehtola (1963–2010) was celebrated as a photographer especially for his series of photographs depicting young people and youth culture, as well as social issues. Lehtola first gained a reputation as a magazine photographer, and today his name is associated with the biggest stars of Finnish rock. “Jönssi” became a trusted photographer of the artists, and his art can be admired in hundreds of album covers and artist and band images.
Rock-Finlandia exhibition features Lehtola’s iconic rock photographs and is based on the new book Rock-Finlandia.
Kalle Ahola, known as the singer of Don Huonot, has interviewed artists appearing in the pictures in the Rock-Finlandia book, such as Ville Valo, Maija Vilkkumaa, Teemu Brunila, Jonna Tervomaa, Sielun Veljet, Amorphis and Kolmas Nainen. Journalist Ville Hartikainen has written the interviews as articles. The interviews tell the stories of the rise of Finnish rock music both domestically and internationally.
The title of the book, Rock-Finlandia, refers to the art photography book Jouko Lehtola’s Finlandia (2004), whose images crystallize something essential about Finnishness. Lehtola’s documentary paintings of Finnish youth were of an international standard and gained widespread worldwide attention in the 1990s.
“This book is a tribute to Jouko Lehtola. His passion for rock music was seen, smelled and tasted in his photographs. The images were not overlooked. They have not been forgotten.” – Kalle Ahola
Glasshouse Helsinki gallery is a place for art, design, new ideas, thoughts and innovations.
Glasshouse Helsinki gallery Aleksanterinkatu 13, 1st floor, 00100 Helsinki
Experimental light installations and lamps made out of concrete
Heavy, big, ugly, rough, vague, grey, hard… These are often the first attributes we relate to concrete. The design students from Aalto University’s School of Arts, Design and Architecture are challenging these established conventions of concrete as material by trying to combine concrete and light.
Vapaa Taidekoulu’s group exhibition Puutarha presents garden-related works by school’s second-, third-, and fourth-year students. Vapaa Taidekoulu located in Helsinki offers professional studies in painting.
The garden is full of surprises. Earthworms crumbling under the leaves. Water lizard after rain. A badger who met me.
Jouko Lehtola: Rock-Finlandia 27.4.–7.5.
Jouko Lehtola – Rock-Finlandia
Exhibition 27.4.–7.5.
Welcome to the final days of Rock-Finlandia exhibition!
We are closing the exhibition with a panel discussion on portrait photography on Saturday the 7th of May at 3PM. Join us and Jouko Lehtola’s teacher and friend Stefan Bremer and business partner Pentti Hokkanen for an interesting discussion on what makes a great portrait photographer.
Saturday 7.5. 3-5PM.
Jouko Lehtola (1963–2010) was celebrated as a photographer especially for his series of photographs depicting young people and youth culture, as well as social issues. Lehtola first gained a reputation as a magazine photographer, and today his name is associated with the biggest stars of Finnish rock. “Jönssi” became a trusted photographer of the artists, and his art can be admired in hundreds of album covers and artist and band images.
Rock-Finlandia exhibition features Lehtola’s iconic rock photographs and is based on the new book Rock-Finlandia.
Kalle Ahola, known as the singer of Don Huonot, has interviewed artists appearing in the pictures in the Rock-Finlandia book, such as Ville Valo, Maija Vilkkumaa, Teemu Brunila, Jonna Tervomaa, Sielun Veljet, Amorphis and Kolmas Nainen. Journalist Ville Hartikainen has written the interviews as articles. The interviews tell the stories of the rise of Finnish rock music both domestically and internationally.
The title of the book, Rock-Finlandia, refers to the art photography book Jouko Lehtola’s Finlandia (2004), whose images crystallize something essential about Finnishness. Lehtola’s documentary paintings of Finnish youth were of an international standard and gained widespread worldwide attention in the 1990s.
“This book is a tribute to Jouko Lehtola. His passion for rock music was seen, smelled and tasted in his photographs. The images were not overlooked. They have not been forgotten.” – Kalle Ahola
Glasshouse Helsinki gallery is a place for art, design, new ideas, thoughts and innovations.
Glasshouse Helsinki gallery
Aleksanterinkatu 13, 1st floor, 00100 Helsinki
View opening hours here
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The garden is full of surprises. Earthworms crumbling under the leaves. Water lizard after rain. A badger who met me.