As much as we would like to take a deep breath and forget these dark weeks and months during the pandemic, it seems more and more obvious that our horizons are not the same ever anymore and they will be changing more frequently like they did last year.
Brands are recalibrating their core focus and so does the capital as well. There is still a gap between the green economy and the still existing one, which has been stressed by exponential, unhealthy growth.
"This transformative time is a fantastic moment for everyone to re-imagine a more sustainable and responsible future.”
On a personal level there are moments of opportunities to re-think and re-purpose our lives and values. People are slowing down and searching for greater meaning, silence, solitude and security.
Questions related to moral issues and re-connecting to the nature for feeling more rooted are important for being able to re-balance the emotional and physical turbulence which our minds and bodies have been suffering from.
Companies will need to re-engineer their strategies and so will need the political decision makers as well. This transformative time is a fantastic moment for everyone to re-imagine a more sustainable and responsible future.
The “re” is an English preposition arising from a Latin borrowing, 1 meaning. Why do we not borrow something from the past and consider that as a reference (re.) for new purposeful action.
Alphabets: R for Re-
Alphabets: R for Re
By Glasshouse Helsinki
As much as we would like to take a deep breath and forget these dark weeks and months during the pandemic, it seems more and more obvious that our horizons are not the same ever anymore and they will be changing more frequently like they did last year.
Brands are recalibrating their core focus and so does the capital as well. There is still a gap between the green economy and the still existing one, which has been stressed by exponential, unhealthy growth.
"This transformative time is a fantastic moment for everyone to re-imagine a more sustainable and responsible future.”
On a personal level there are moments of opportunities to re-think and re-purpose our lives and values. People are slowing down and searching for greater meaning, silence, solitude and security.
Questions related to moral issues and re-connecting to the nature for feeling more rooted are important for being able to re-balance the emotional and physical turbulence which our minds and bodies have been suffering from.
Companies will need to re-engineer their strategies and so will need the political decision makers as well. This transformative time is a fantastic moment for everyone to re-imagine a more sustainable and responsible future.
The “re” is an English preposition arising from a Latin borrowing, 1 meaning. Why do we not borrow something from the past and consider that as a reference (re.) for new purposeful action.
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