The magic of white nights is soon upon us to us living close to the Arctic circle. It’s midsummer, and the days are the longest with lingering light embracing the moments for lovers and life. No complete darkness, no sad thoughts. We are surrounded by light, and its energy.
"In light we see positivity, joy and hope."
In light we see positivity, joy and hope. Let us feel the light. Let it touch our souls and minds. Let’s celebrate life.
Knowledge, it stems from the awareness of understanding the world around us, the facts, education and movements between material and immaterial objects.
Alphabets: L for Light
Alphabets: L for Light
By Glasshouse Helsinki
The magic of white nights is soon upon us to us living close to the Arctic circle. It’s midsummer, and the days are the longest with lingering light embracing the moments for lovers and life. No complete darkness, no sad thoughts. We are surrounded by light, and its energy.
"In light we see positivity, joy and hope."
In light we see positivity, joy and hope. Let us feel the light. Let it touch our souls and minds. Let’s celebrate life.
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Alphabets: I for Imperfection
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